

Alessandro Cinque

Peru is home to the world’s largest number of alpacas. The country has approximately 4 million alpacas, which is roughly 88% of the global total. Alpacas are reared in high-altitude regions in Peru, generally above 3,000 mt.


Alessandro Cinque
Peru is home to the world’s largest number of alpacas. The country has approximately 4 million alpacas, which is roughly 88% of the global total. Alpacas are reared in high-altitude regions in Peru, generally above 3,000 mt.


Peru is home to the world’s largest number of alpacas. The country has approximately 4 million alpacas, which is roughly 88% of the global total. Alpacas are reared in high-altitude regions in Peru, generally above 3,000 mt. The animals play a critical role in communities along the high Andean plateau where crops cannot be grown and the only economic activity, besides mining, is alpaca herding.

More than 1 million people, in a country of 33 million people, depend exclusively on alpacas for their livelihoods.

Climate change poses a growing risk to alpacas and the communities they sustain. The Andes are experiencing shorter, but more intense, rainy seasons, and longer periods of drought. Frosts and hail storms have become more common. Changing weather patterns are shrinking natural pastures and reducing the quality of grasses, forcing alpaca herds to compete for food.

A looming impact is the loss of glacier coverage. Glacier runoff helps regulate water during the dry season, so the loss of glaciers means less water during the dry season.

According to the National Institute for Research on Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems (Inaigem), Peru already has lost 53.5 % of its glacier coverage and could be without glaciers by 2100. Peru has the world’s highest percentage in the world of what are known as tropical glaciers.

Sixto Flores, a technical advisor to alpaca communities in Puno, said if pastures disappear, alpacas and alpaca-herding communities disappear with them. This project aims to investigate how climate change in Peru affects Alpaca breeders by creating “climate migrants” who are forced to move to higher and higher altitudes or abandon their lifestyle and move to low-lying cities, changing their lives forever threatening the loss of high Andean cultural identity. It also aims to show the scientific efforts that seek to contribute to combat the effects of climate change on alpacas and to breed more resilience in the genes of the animals.


Alessandro Cinque (b. 1988) is a photojournalist based between the US and Peru, whose work explores environmental and socio-political issues in Latin America, particularly the devastating impact of mining on Indigenous communities and their lands.

Through his work, Cinque documents environmental contamination and public health concerns among Indigenous communities living in South America and has committed to photographing the effects of the pollution that permeates the crops, livestock, and homes of the people residing near mining sites.

Cinque’s photographs have been published in international media including The New York Times, National Geographic, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Reuters, GEO, etc.

His work has been exhibited worldwide and recognized as a finalist or winner by international awards, including World Press Photo, Prix Pictet, Eugene Smith, POYi, Leica Oskar Barnack, Alexia Grant, Luis Valtueña, etc.

In 2019, Cinque moved to Lima and began contributing to Reuters.

In 2023 he moved to NYC.

He is a recipient of the National Geographic Society’s Emergency Fund (2021) and the Pulitzer Center (2021). In 2022, his work was published on the cover of National Geographic and he became a National Geographic Explorer.

In 2023, he won the World Press Photo and the Sustainability Award at the Sony World Photography Awards and was a finalist in the Prix Pictet.